Saturday, March 21, 2009

Has anyone quit smoking cold turkey?

Has anyone quit smoking cold turkey?
None of the aids work for me. How about cold turkey? How do I get through it and what should I expect?


  1. My mother smoked 40 a day from the age of 20, and saw a programme on TV about poverty in Africa, realised how much money she wasted on cigarettes, and stopped in one day, without problems, at the age of 67.Hopefully she sent some of the money she saved to help relieve poverty in Africa.Think about how you could use saved money for the benefit of others, or for yourself, and just quit! You'll not regret it!

  2. I did for about a year but cheated sometimes. Have you tried Zyban? I found that worked the best.When quitting cold turkey I have found it helps to have other things to suck on. Pretzel sticks are great because you can hold them like a cigarette. I also like jawbreakers. Other ways I was able to cope was to do things which I never associated with smoking. Since I didn't smoke in my bedroom or while reading, I spent a lot of time laying in bed with a good book.

  3. Yes, I did about 34 yrs ago. I drank a lot of water. Raising hand to mouth to drink water helped kick the habit. I did eat hard candy. Anticipated the difficult times, when having a drink, after eating, with coffee and had a lollipop ready for those times. I've seen some people keep tooth picks handy to have in their mouth too. Dentists don't like it but it should be for only a short time. You'll have times that you think you have it beat and it'll sneak up on you again, so beware. I've finally stopped dreaming about smoking. That lasted many years after. good luck.

  4. i did it was hard and no one wanted to be around me but you can get thru it Source(s): smoker for 11 yrs non smoker for 8

  5. I tried that some years ago and fired people that may not have deserved it. It actually changed my personality. This time i slowed down for a few weeks then stopped. I still use the gum but, I'm getting ready to stop it. I could feel the withdrawls.. Smoked 42 years..I'm winning this time. Belle is helping..

  6. I did it 3 years ago. It is realdy hard for rirst 6 months. But you could do it. Be strong with your mind.Good luck

  7. You know, you just really have to be ready. I stared at an ashtray and thought, gee that's horribly gross. Honestly when you do quit, you are going to be so grossed out by smokers after awhile. I promised myself not to be like them, but it slowly happens. You never realize how much you stink, how much it affects other people. The only thing I warn you of is weight gain. Make sure you're ready to start eating properly and getting enough physical activity. I'm working on taking off the weight I gained. But honestly, you will feel great after you quit. Good luck.

  8. how can you smoke turkey it doesnt really make a good cigarette or does it Source(s): me

  9. Yes. It HURTS. Get the patch and wellburtrin to help.

  10. I have but I am not sure you will like the answer.I quit. I told myself if I could make it 2 weeks I could have one cigarette and I did. Then I went 6 weeks one cigarette. Then three months one cigarette. Then 6 months, one cigarette and after one year I actually smoked one cigarette.I was a very heavy smoker and smoked since I was 12 years old. It was hard. Everyone says it's not but for was hard.I drank a lot of coffee telling myself it was what I craved. When people asked like they were shocked "you still feel like smoking?" I would say NO, ONLY WHEN I'M AWAKE!!!But it did get easier and easier and it was worth it.
