Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ankle injury, Please help me?

Ankle injury, Please help me?
Today in P.E, we did gymnastics. I did a roundoff off a vault box, and when I landed, something happend in my right ankle. At first, it just felt like I twisted it, but as I carried on with my routien, I did it again. But this time, it was agony. I stopped, and had to have my teacher do first aid on it. I was then taken to the school nurse, as I couldnt walk. But It just felt like a sprain, only alot worse. I put ice on it, and it then felt a little better. But as it warmed up again, it got even worse, even after taking paracetamol. I was hobbling around school all day. And it's now bad...
What can I do?


  1. You should go to your doctor and use RICE.

  2. I highly prefer you go to the hospital.Good Luck! :)
