Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ive got such an awful headache..advice?

Ive got such an awful headache..advice?
Ive had a headache all day, taken pills and its still there, had a nap and its still there, drunk loads and its still there. It started as a sharp pain in my right temple then spread and now feels like pressure on my whole head, it feels like its squeezing my eyeballs and the pressure spreads right down to my nose. I dont suffer migraines normally so dont know if this is one. What do you think? A migraine or nothing or should i be worried? Im not suffering any senistivity to light or anything like that, feel free to ask for further info. Thanks


  1. sounds to me like its your sinus'. take an over the counter sinus med & I bet you'll feel alot better. the pollen is terrible this time of year & causes havoc with people that have allergies!

  2. I went thru the same thing, I found out it was high blood pressure.
