Saturday, March 21, 2009

What Can be done to relive the pain of Perificial Neuroapathy?

What Can be done to relive the pain of Perificial Neuroapathy?
Nerve damage in legs, arms , hands and so forth

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, neuroapthy is the most difficult pain to treat. My best advice is to see a doctor that specializes in pain management and see what they can do for you.Please know in advance that they aren't going to be able to make the pain go away all the time. They can treat it so it becomes bearable and not the focus of your life.Your outlook on life plays a big factor in how you deal with pain and the effect it has on your life. There are a number of books out there that talk about living with pain and how to lessen it's effects.Hang in there and if you need someone to talk to or e-mail, I'm here for you. There is a quality life out there for you but you need to be the driving force in getting it. Source(s): Personal experience
