Saturday, March 21, 2009

What sort of exercises can I do with a knee injury?

What sort of exercises can I do with a knee injury?
I injured my knee two months ago and am losing my mind from not being able to tolerate much physical activity because of constant pain in my knee. Keep in mind that I am under the care of a physician, but will not be able to speak with him until Monday when we are able to rule out what exactly is going on.

I know swimming is good, and so is biking- can anyone think of any other physical activity? I am not able to tolerate walking.


  1. wall sits strengthen the muscles in your quads that help support your knee, so those are always good.Also knee bends or mountain climbers. Make sure you never let your knee go farther then the foot below it. Also, only bend as far as you can WITHOUT pain. Source(s): Sports Medicine Student

  2. most exersise isn't that good for a knee injury, i would just stick to swimming, it does help your knee a lot; just don't overwork it.
