Saturday, March 21, 2009

How can i cure my sore throat? =/?

How can i cure my sore throat? =/?


  1. Drink something warm, gargle with salt water, or I drink this tea called "Throat Coat" and it works really well. And load up on cough drops!Feel better =]

  2. Try to suck on a lot of cough drops and then just wait for it to heal.I HATE sore throats.I hate is because I can't even swallow my spit without it Sore throats are the worst EVA. Source(s): From,GameGal

  3. Drink something warm, like coffie or teaOr eat something cold like Ice cream.Do one or the other, doing both is kinda pointless.If this dosent work take medicine.I usually just wait for my sore throught to go away, sure it hurts but it never lasts too long.

  4. try numbing it with a popsicle or drink some honey (i know it sounds kinda gross but it helps) or you can also get some throat spray but that also numbs it. just eat healthy and try to get your vitamins. :] Source(s): answer mine? :]

  5. aaarrrgh. I have had a sore throat for like two weeks now. for the love of god some body please answer her question and help us both!!!

  6. gargle with salt water
