Saturday, March 21, 2009

My wrist still hurts? help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

My wrist still hurts? help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
so i hurt my wrist a while ago. I was rollerskating and i fell. it hurt but not too bad and it wasn't swollen so i thought i just twisted it. but it still hurt like 2 weeks later so i went to a doctor and he told me to get a wrist brace at cvs. after like another 2 weeks, it still kinda hurt so my mom brought me to a bone doctor he told me it might be a fractured growth plate but since it was a while ago it would be hard to tell through an x ray. the doctor told me to wear the brace another 2 weeks and if it still hurt to come back. after those 2 weeks it still hurt so i went back and he said to put a cast on it so i cant move it at all. after the 6 weeks with the cats he took it off and it felt fine. now it will randomly start to hurt and i don't know what to do. any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. you probably fractured it and didn't go to the e.r right away so it is trying to heal on it's own your doctor is doing everything right,just give it about 8 weeks to heal that's how long it normally patient it will ache and throb until then and maybe after for awhile until you build the muscle strong around it.time to get lots of movies and snacks lol
