Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bad night sleep account for tired day?

Bad night sleep account for tired day?
Last night I fell asleep hyper and productive, but I made myself go to sleep because I knew I had to wake up in the morning. During the night I can remember at least 3 occasions when I woke up on my own, one occasion where I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom, and then 2 separate occasions where my boyfriend called in the middle of the night because he couldn't sleep.

I guess I slept for 7 hours, but since it was interrupted so many times and since I woke up on my own a few times, does this sleep not really count for benifical sleep? I mean, is this why I am SOO tired today?


  1. I dont think it does your body didnt have enough time to rest because you were waking up so much.

  2. maybe your taking marijuana its bad for sleeping

  3. it could be but at the same time u couldve been restless while sleeping or maybe u have something on ur mind

  4. probably may be also from so kind of stress or something or do you take pills that have something in it and may be your to cold or to hot i had the same problem before.

  5. I had the same problem the past week, It might be you wake up cause your sleeping wrong, Or having difficultys breathing that wakes you up, Or you hear a noise but when you wake up you don't hear it anymore, I wake up every night at 3am. For no reason at all I'm trying to find out why myself.
