Saturday, March 21, 2009

Does having your ears pierced hurt and if so how much?

Does having your ears pierced hurt and if so how much?
i want my ears pierced and i want to know if it hurts because i'd rather know than get a shock


  1. take your fingers and using your fingernails, give yourself a pinch. that's how much it hurts

  2. well, when you get your ears pierced it only hurts for a few seconds. It only hurts a pinch. I got my sisters done, she was pretty scared but she was relieved. It might hurt a little when you turn them but, the overall answer is , not really. hope i helped!

  3. i have had my: bottom lip, chin, tongue, my left eye-lid pierced TWICE, as well as my left ear..... twice.! Let me tell u, by the time u actually "feel" any pain-it's over.....! Truely..... :) and the pain itself is like a big pinch.... not too bad at all...... but be careful because it's AFTERWARDS when most people run into issues........ with infection, etc..... just keep it clean... u'll be fine :)
