Saturday, March 21, 2009

How can i straighten my back?

How can i straighten my back?
i am a 14 year old boy and ppl always tell me that i walk with my back bent. i try to make it straight but after a while it just slips off my mind help and some exercises to make my shoulders wider


  1. Well, when I was told i was slouching much, I had to do something about it, and being a girl I could wear heels (i still do today) it really helps your posture (and exercises your calves!). I don't know about guys, try to stand straight, shoulders back, lifted up, and if you can - suck your tummy in towards your spine while you walk.

  2. tie yourself to a giant metal pole for 48 days, then install another pole to your spine so you can walk around with a straight back
