Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have a broken collarbone but would like to go for a 5 mile hike this weekend, is it ok?

I have a broken collarbone but would like to go for a 5 mile hike this weekend, is it ok?
I broke my collar bone almost 4 weeks ago and this weekend my boyfriend and I were going to go for a hike in the mountains. It is about 5 miles round trip. I do get sore from walking but I am sick of not being able to get any type of exercise. Do you think that I will be able to handle it? I am still on Vicodin for the pain and the doctor said I am healing a little slow.


  1. If you do not carry a loaded backpack it should be fine assuming you do not fall while hiking...

  2. I understand you're wanting to go on this excursion. But it's far too much for your collarbone at this time. If you want to heal you must give your body rest. Instead why don't you go on a picnic and that way you can enjoy the outdoors with your boyfriend. I have practiced as a Naturopathic doctor for twenty years and I always advise people to take it easy until they have healed. Call your medical doctor and ask what they think of your doing so much exercise. Source(s): Retired doctor of Naturopathic medicine

  3. I had a broken collar bone once and it didn't stop me from doing anything, just make sure that you do not try to do too much with your arms, and make sure that your BF help you out the whole way.
