Saturday, March 21, 2009

Is my dad going to be OK (lack of sleep)?

Is my dad going to be OK (lack of sleep)?
He is, I believe, 49 or 50. He works as a trader at home on his computer and because he has to work with ppl over the phone in other countries (asian countries, esp), he needs to stay awake during night. He usually gets about 3~4 hours of sleep every single night and it's been like that since his early forties. My mom's worried that he'll break down one day. Is he going to be okay?


  1. Yes but makes sure he get food and water every day not pop water is better but he will break down if he smokes

  2. what you should do is ask him how he feels about his job. He should also sleep during the day. After doing that job for ten years he should get into the rythm of it. He will most likely be fine if you talk to him about it.
