Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sprung/broken ankle ?

Sprung/broken ankle ?
The other day i had a peice of fire wood fall from ontop of a pile and crash into my ankle, i walked it off as i had work to do and 3 days later is is still swollen up but i am able to walk on it. I tried putting ice on it the other day and it seemed to hurt it more, could it be broke or just sprung? I am able to walk on it with a limp. No insurance so I'm trying to let it get better on its own. Thanks for any help


  1. Try elevating it to let the swelling go down and keep putting ice on it also keep it elevated and try not to walk on it much let it rest. It should get better in about a week or two.

  2. It is just a sprain or strain. I t should feel better in about a week. Source(s): me!

  3. I would say sprung or badly bruised to the bone.A lot of times with breaks, the ankle will not stay swollen for too long. On the contrary, when it stays swollen like that it is probably sprung. Source(s): Being a gymnast for 15 years, I tend to know a little somethin somethin about injuries.

  4. Probably not spained, but a good bruise, keep trying to ice it and if you can compress with an ace bandage, that will help keep swelling down. Also, take some IB Profin. I have spained my ankle several times and it fi was you would not be able to walk on it. Source(s): Studied Athletic training, and victim of several sprains.
