Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why do i get a mild sore throat every morning i noticed them like 4 days ago i startd going to the gym and whe?

Why do i get a mild sore throat every morning i noticed them like 4 days ago i startd going to the gym and whe?
i started taking whey protien with milk in the night could that be causing my sore thraot????please answer me im so confused


  1. There may be some artificial chemicals in your whey protein that you are having a reaction to. Make sure you use a pure whey protein with No artificial Sweeteners, No artificial Flavors, No artificial Fillers etc. guys sell the highest quality and best priced pure whey protein.Also when you start working out and taking supplements you can boost your natural hormones i.e. growth hormone, testosterone etc. and this increase in natural hormones can sometimes cause sinus congestion, sore throats even headaches.

  2. I agree with L.L. But, you could have caught something from the gym. Try to get ahold of some colloidal silver. And gargle and swallow that until the problem is gone.

  3. Since spring is here and all kinds of things are beginning to grow, it sounds like me. I experience seasonal allergies that bother me in the morning (your throat would then be driest.) It does usually go away once I've eaten breakfast and had a drink. For me, it improves in about a month and often returns again in the fall.
