Saturday, March 21, 2009

Can you help me my spine hurts?

Can you help me my spine hurts?
well I know I have to go see a chiropractor if I wan't to get better, but do you guys know whatsa wrong. My spine hurt near me sholder blades every time I toucht it.

1 comment:

  1. It's difficult to answer you as to what is causing your shoulder blade pain through the internet. It can be muscle spasms, nerve irritation, lymph node inflammation, gallbladder problems and many other different conditions. Definitely see a chiropractor and if you don't feel better within a short time get a medical examination. For now you can try using the following it at home treatment: Take a hot bath with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts. Soak for 30 minutes. The Epsom salts will help eliminate the lactic acid that forms on the muscles from over exertion. Massage an analgesic cream into the sore muscles. Dehydration can cause severe pain in the muscles. I recommend you drink purified water mixed with Mineral Water 50/50. This will replace the minerals that are exiting your body continuously. You must drink beyond your thirst to get the benefits of hydration and the real key is the Mineral Water.I suggest that adults and children drink 40 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight every day. Realize that exercise, ambient temperature, and state of health affect the water needs of your body. 500mg of calcium and magnesium, taken twice daily, can help with diminishing the pain. Advil liqui capsules work very quickly on pain. Take them four times daily. Source(s): Retired doctor of Naturopathic medicine
