Saturday, March 21, 2009

I always have pains "down there" any idea why?

I always have pains "down there" any idea why?


  1. The only thing I can think of is either a Urinary Tract Infection or a possible Ovarian Cysts but it depends on the recurring symptoms that you have.UTI or Urinary Tract Infection is possible on both children and adults. You don't have to me sexually active in order to get this. Your urinary tract makes your urine and carries it out of your body. It included your bladder and kidneys as well as the tubes that connects them, when germs get into your system, it causes an infection on your urinary tract. Usually germs get into your system through your urethra or the tube that carries your urine from your bladder to the outside of your body. The germs which usually cause this infection comes from your large intestine and are found in your stool. if these germs get into ur urethra it can travel up to your bladder and kidneys and cause infection. Women tend to get this disorder than men because women have shorter urethra. This infection can also be caused by not drinking enough liquid. Consume more liquid, or try drinking fresh coconut juice or cranberry juice. As for Ovarian Cysts, these are fluid sacts which are formed when the egg is unreleased or the sac closes during ovulation. Most of these cysts are harmless and they go away without treatment. Usual symptoms would be pain in your lower belly or pelvic area where the ovaries are located. Some doctors prescribe birth control pills which stops ovulation to avoid new cysts from forming.You might want to consider going back to your doctor or to your OB and find out what is wrong. Not all disorders have symptoms so its better to seek medical attention immediately.I hope this helps! Source(s): occupation

  2. Did the pains and headaches start when you first went on the pill? Does the pain in your ovaries correspond to when you're ovulating?I think that you should see a doctor or a gynecologist. It may be hormonal imbalance from the pill, or it could be something more serious, but only a doctor can really diagnose you. Pain in your ovaries should always be checked out by a professional, IMO.

  3. well it could be cramps or well cyst on your ovarys its best to go to the doctor to go get it checked out caue the only one that can realy tell is your doctor and for your headsounds like a migraine but it be best to tell your doctor about that too because it coudl be related best wishes

  4. was anything inside it cough cough a weener cough cough or something inside
