Saturday, March 21, 2009

I have felt very weak for the last two days what is wrong with me and i feel a bit dizzy 2?

I have felt very weak for the last two days what is wrong with me and i feel a bit dizzy 2?


  1. my hubby has been feeling really bad 2,dizzy,

  2. That's how I was and then I went to the doctor and had blood tests done and found out I had Diabetes.

  3. if u are a girl and are in contraception then it can wreck your own balance, it did for me anyway and i'm so sick of it, but other than that u could be anaemic or have low blood sugar, try a bit of chocolate, get the doctor to check your blood.

  4. check what your doing differently now then back then. And if u masterbate thats what is proably causing it.

  5. Have you been eating well?Maybe you are just not getting enought nutrients or vitamins. . I often used to feel real dizzy when I wasnt getting enough iron . . You should probably just visit your gp.
