Saturday, March 21, 2009

I keep twitching constantly and cannot relax around my chest and shoulders?

I keep twitching constantly and cannot relax around my chest and shoulders?
i am curious that my boobs will sag from this uncontrollable twitching as i do it even when not wearing a bra and i cannot stop. please can you ofer any advice to sotp and also do you think i will have dmaaged my breasts and caused them to sag?


  1. Twitching probably won't affect your breasts in any significant way, but may minutely tone your muscles causing your breasts to firm up...As for stopping them... well...I highly suggest going to see a health professional to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment.Most of the time, it will be due to:fatigue/exhaustion*stress*hormonal changesdiet changessubstance abuseneurological symptom*** = most likely** = needs immediate attention Source(s): 4th year biology student with emphasis in medicine

  2. I have the same problem; and i'm not sure, sorry.

  3. twitching signals a nerve problem. you probably have a nerve thats being pinched or that has been damaged. the best thing you can do to keep this from getting any worse is to go see a doctor soon. explain the problem but be sure to have clear explinations so that it is easier for the doctors to figure out what the problem is and how to help you. hope i helped! Source(s): personal experience
