Saturday, March 21, 2009

Cut my fingertip, what should i do?

Cut my fingertip, what should i do?
I cut my fingertip where your finger print is. A small chuck is still attached just kind of peeling. It was bleeding a little bit but putting pressure on it made it go away. Feels fine now but what do you think i should do?


  1. firstly how deep and long is the cut, have you just cut the dermis(top few layers of skin) or is it deeper, the biggest thing to worry about is the finger and wound clean, and did you use an antiseptic cleaner to make the wound aseptic(clean). if so a couple of butterfly stitches placed like a cross on the chuck to hold it in place will help it mould together and quicken the healing process. make sure you still have good perfusion( skin color) of the affected area.cover the area with a sterile dressing changing it every 24hrs or if you get it wet. if all this is ok and there is no redness in the next 24 hr you may be ok.if this was cut on a bit of steel, have you had a tetnus in the last 10yrs if not it may be worthwhile just in case,hope this helps Source(s): paramedic first response

  2. put on a bandaid and call it a night. if it is a deep cut you may need stitches... but since the bleeding stopped and it feels fine.. i think you are good
